Sunday, March 21, 2010

God Knows What's Up.

Wow. Wow. Wow. I’m not so sure I can put tonight into words. But I’ll try, I suppose.

Ah, I just can’t get over it. So I come early to speak to Angel with my good friend Keriann. But it doesn’t happen. So I get a little bummed and so extremely nervous. Because I hate being mean. Even if it’s not mean. Anyways, that’s a huge, long, exhausting story. Regardless: I enter pre-service prayer. I am surrounded by the most amazing people I know. Their hearts for God is just inspiring. And I love them!!

So I sit down and just start being honest & real with God. I talk about the things that I have done and beg for forgiveness. I wouldn’t say I was focusing on the negative, but I wanted to let God know that I am sorry and that I want forgivness. I know that he gives it so freely when I ask. So I ask. And I praise him for who he is.

Well, right in the middle of it, Jessica comes up from behind me and asks if it’s okay if she can pray for me. umm, did she need to ask?! :) I love that lady so much. She inspries me for sure. She helped me out with so much in the past few years that I’ve known her.

So she prays. I listen. I am in awe of how God was speaking to me through her. This isn’t the first time this has happened, but it amazes me still. She prayed that I dont hold on to resentment, that I let it go, that I be healed, and that I know that he is proud of me. Not only was that the perfect thing for God to say, but it was the perfect thing to hear from Jessica herself.

She said how she was proud of me. That she has been watching how I pour out to others. She said that she has been praying for me since the day that she met me. She said that she saw Jesus in my life since that same day. She said that she believed in me. She said that she saw the encouragment that is from God inside of me. She understood that it was exhausting and hard sometimes. She told me that she loved me. She was so enthusiastic. She told me that I was called to be a leader. She said that God was sooo stinking proud of me.

And it was exactly what I needed to hear. It was incredible. I wanted to cry I was so overwhelmed. It meant so much to me. I’ve been so hard on myself lately. It was freeing to know that my God, the perfect one who saved me, is proud of me. He loves me through anything. Mind. Blown.

He put a verse on my heart, too. He has been doing that lately. But all I could remember was that it had the words “yoke” “burden” “light” and “easy.” haha an odd mix of words, but I couldn’t remember which one was light and which one was easy. And then I come on here to see that Lyndsey put it at the end of her post.

Alright. Silly example, I know. But I prayed about it during youth group. I was like “what the heck did it say?! God, please show me. Thanks!” And then it kind of slipped my mind. Crazy how it happened only an hour later!

Ahh, I love Him.

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