Friday, February 26, 2010


This is weird for me. I haven't been this irritated in a long time. My friend texted me and it was so self-centered. She just wanted attention from me. She wanted to hear the right words and wanted to feel better. And it makes me sick. I honestly dont get mad often. At all. I dont know why, I guess I just have no reason to be mad!

But my friend just uses me to the max. And I cant take it! She only comes to me to complain or to tell me about all the awful things in her life. Dont get me wrong, I love it when people vent out to me. I feel honored that they trust me. And it means a lot. But for this person, it's different. She's trying to get something out of me. And I'm not entirely sure what it is. But either way, I'm so hurt that she uses me so often as she does. It's an every day thing, too.

I cant believe I'm actually mad. This is so weird. I dont like it. And I wish I could wish away the feelings, but the truth is that I cant. I have to be honest with her and real with her. I cant keep putting myself in situations that I know I will get hurt by. Pray for her. She is desperate for attention and it's scary.

1 comment:

  1. It's super hard loving those who are the most unlovable. But isn't that what Jesus did with us? It's hard to give grace. In fact it's impossible...unless we let God do it through us.

    Keep praying girl! Ask Jesus to give you patience, forgiveness, love, and grace!!! I completely understand your situation, I've gone through it before. Just think of it this way, perhaps you're her only light. Would you give up on her and take that light away?

    Proud of you girl!!! Keep on keeping on!!
