Wednesday, February 24, 2010


People have come up to me and told me to be a leader: that I should be a leader. They tell me that they see me as one. But I dont know. I'm so skeptical of it. Do I truly act like one? I dont think I do. I just do my thing and try to be the best friend that I can be. I honestly dont see it. I mean, some days I guess I do. I see how they would say that. But I'm not confident that I should be a leader.
I think that's a personal thing though. I dont think that I'm "good enough" or old enough to become a leader. What does being a leader even mean? To lead people the best that I can by living out my life? I would love a definition. I want to be a leader. I think God is telling me to step out in faith and just be bold: be a leader.
I need help! I feel so young and I feel like I need to learn so much more. I dont think I'm ready.
God, teach me what being a leader means. Open my eyes to what I'm doing. Help me improve my leadership skills, whatever they may be. I want to be a leader for you. I need help. Send help my way!!! I love you Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Part of being a leader is growing in Wisdom, stature and faver before God and before men.

    Whats not to believe?

    If people are coming up to you and telling you that you are a leader, its only because they follow you. Making you a leader by default. God has given you favor and stature before people and will continue to do so.

    Obviously you are wise becaue you blog!

    Reflect at the end of Luke chapter 2. Notice Jesus' age. You're never too young to lead.

    In the meantime, see you at Jr. High youth group at 5! Thats always a good place to start public leading!
